Why Feminists Make Better Parents

A lot of people may take this the wrong way and think: "I don't consider myself a feminist, but I know I am doing a damn well job of being a parent!" Well, let me say this in advance, I have no intention of offending anyone in some way. This is just an opinion and before you react, I would like you to read the whole blog post first and if you have an opinion, feel free to inform me.

So why do I say that feminist make better parents? Well, let me put things in a proper perspective first and ask you a question- What comes to your mind when you hear the word "feminist"? Do you imagine a man-hating person who insists that men are assholes who oppress women? Do you imagine women who walks around wearing more or less nothing and shouts we deserve respect? Is that all that comes to mind? I am not saying that they are not feminists or that their cry should not be heard but that is not exactly what feminism stands for. I really suggest that you read Emma Watson's speech at the UN for the He for She campaign. It is very enlightening and it shows the other side of feminism.

So first off, what is feminism?
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, feminism is "the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities". Therefore, if you believe that men and women should be paid equally for the same amount of work, then you are a feminist.

By now, you are probably wondering - is that it? Nope, not really. Feminists don't believe in excuses that goes "...because she is a girl". We see ourselves as equals of everyone. And as a parent, this believe could be very helpful in shaping your kids to be better people, thus, making you a better parent.

By fundamentally believing that men and women are equal, you as a parent will be able to share that belief to your little ones. For example, we all know how little boys and girls want to exclusively play with their friends whose gender are like them. A feminist parent would encourage and show their kids that it is okay to play with both girls and boys, that girls playing with boys is just as fun as boys playing with boys or girls playing with girls. Engraving this belief to your kids early on will help them realize later in life that indeed, men and women are equal. Your sons will grow up having respect for women and appreciative of what women can do and your daughters will grow up strong and confident and won't take sh*t from anyone.
Your sons can be free to discuss their feelings without seeing themselves as feminine and your daughters can be sporty and have a muscles and not see themselves as manly. Feminist parents won't label certain things as something only girls can do or only boys can do. Because feminist parents have the same expectations from their daughters and sons and be helpful and encouraging of their kids' goals and dreams no matter what it is. And because kids learn mostly from imitation, once they see from their parents that they are treated equally regardless of their gender, they will do the same when they grow up.

So you see, feminists make better parents they are most likely to make their kids feminist as well, whether it be their son or daughter.


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