Let's Get Physical! Road to A Sexier Me For 4min/Day

It's been a long time since I started complaining of how fat I've become. I know some of you (who knows me) might think that it's exaggerated  since my BMI or body mass index is still within the normal range (I'm 5'1", 55kg), but you see, I have no problem with my weight, my actual problem is my tummy!

From what I've learned, my protruding stomach is due to its less (rather non-existent) muscle tone. Honestly, I am to blame since I've been maintaining a sedentary lifestyle for the past 20 or so years. HAHA Yes, I am very lazy!

So, since it's already 2012 and one of my resolutions is to stop complaining and start making actions instead I have decided to take action and stop complaining.

Starting February 1, I will dedicate 4 minutes of every day in exercising. (I saw it on TV Patrol, and it's said to be effective) In a month, it is guaranteed that you will lose 10lbs and have a toner body if you religiously follow the regimen. So, if you want to follow me in my 4min-per-day road to a sexier me project, here are the steps:

1. Perform 10 counts of jumping jacks.

2. Perform 10 counts of squats.

3. Perform 10 counts of lunges on both legs.

4. Perform 10 counts of push-ups.

-Repeat the steps for 4 mins.

I suggest that if you want variation like me, you can also insert short jogs (45 minutes to 1 hour) every now and then.

Apart from my goal of losing unwanted inches in my waistline, I think that it is very important for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercising is definitely a part of that.

PS: Those who are asking whether there is a diet that goes with the exercise regimen, the answer is no. But pointers for healthy eating:
1. Eat frequently but in small proportions.
2. Incorporate vegetables in your diet.
3. Eat a lot during breakfasts and eat less for dinners.

To end my post, and to see if the exercise regimen is effective we should be able to check the developments. So measure your weight and, for me, waistline.
Weight: 55kg
Waistline: 30 inches

Will update this blog weekly to see if I'm making improvements. Join me and let's get sexy together! :)



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